Online Learning is one of many learning modalities that has been used in various forms of education throughout the past twenty years. Either as part of a traditional classroom environment or as the primary delivery of curriculum and instruction, online learning continues to be a flexible and effective modality for many students and educators.


There are a variety of reasons students and educators turn to online learning, including:


1) To diversify the modality of learning

2) Relief from lesson preparation

3) Automation and reporting tools

4) Need for a flexible learning modality

5) Time allowance for special interest or lifestyle demand

6) Diversion from the traditional modality of learning

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This E-Book provides practitioners such as teachers, principals, parents, and learning coaches with the tools they need to provide an effective and engaging online learning education for their student(s). 

Fill out the form below to get your free copy of "Proven Best Practices in K-12 Online Learning"

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  • Teacher
  • School Administrator
  • Enrollment Administrator
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  • Superintendent
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  • Other

Jessica's experience includes working for small and large charter schools and in K-12 curriculum sales. She is also one of the founders of SmartFox, a fully-integrated SIS, LMS, and online K-12 curriculum platform. Throughout her career in the independent space, Jessica has encountered change, and resistance to change and has made breaking down barriers to change a primary focus in her career.