Registration/Enrollment for 2025-26 is Now Open. Save a Spot for Your Student
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Registration/Enrollment for 2025-26 is Now Open.

K-12 Online Middle School

Middle schoolers in grades 6-8 get the attention they deserve in a fun, engaging, and flexible classroom.

Reach Your Learning Goals Faster

Our K-12 online middle school program supports grades 6-8. It is built to prepare your child for high school, get them on course for graduation, and lay out a path to their dreams.

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“The teachers, counselors and staff are amazing. They are extremely dedicated, and they provide the best education to my son. I am very thankful to all of them."

Elton Glendora

With our WASC-accredited online learning program, you can trust our curriculum to prepare your child for graduation and beyond.


Small classes and frequent check-ins give middle schoolers the attention they need to succeed.


Self-paced learning programs help your student catch up quickly, spend more time on difficult subjects, or race ahead.


Students can choose from elective courses, learning tiles, and tons of extracurriculars.


With more than 140 courses approved by NCAA and UC A-G, students can stride toward their post-graduation goals.

Race Ahead with Independent Reading

Reading comprehension is critical to your middle schooler’s future. Students can sharpen their reading skills with our independent reading program. It gives students grade level books and quizzes to encourage independent reading and push them forward.

Learn in a Safe, Fun Environment

We use advanced online safety features, such as bullying reports, to ensure your student is growing in an online learning community that is comfortable, inclusive, and fun.

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"Online school seems way better than actually having to go in, and the people that we have worked with seem pretty awesome so far."

Lauren Menifee

Tap into Online Learning for All Students

Students have unique passions and learning needs. We craft an engaging online learning environment to help students with different learning styles and interests thrive.

Homeschool Students

Moving to a brick-and-mortar classroom can be a tough and unnecessary transition for homeschoolers. At Method Schools, they can advance and grow within the at-home environment they love.

Student Athletes

We provide adjustable schedules, self-paced learning, and a staff of former college and pro athletes to help student athletes reach their full potential.

Performing Artists

With flexible online classes and targeted instruction, performing artists have more time to perform, practice, and perfect their craft.

What students and parents are saying about Method

We want students to deepen their education by engaging with activities they love. At Method Schools, you can choose from clubs, field trips, learning tiles, and tons of extracurriculars

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Long Beach

"Method has been absolutely the perfect solution for us. When we realized our son's school was not going to go back in person for the majority of th...  more

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Download What to Expect from Online School with Method Schools

Read our guide to learn what online learning looks like at Method Schools. In this free resource, you get an inside look at how our program works and what your student can expect when learning online.

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Free Guide

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