Registration/Enrollment for 2025-26 is Now Open. Save a Spot for Your Student
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Registration/Enrollment for 2025-26 is Now Open.


You deserve to know the details about the school your child attends. That’s why we're as transparent as possible and update you on how our online learning programs work. Here are the latest operational details about Method Schools.

Background info
  • 2013: Method was founded by Dr. Jessica Spallino and Mark Holley.
  • 2013: Method was approved by Dehesa Elementary School District.
  • 2014: Method...  arrow
Mission Statement

Method Schools’ mission is to develop effective tools and educational practices that promote growth for every stakeholder. Through the continuous advancement of self-created systems and processes, Method Schools aims ...  arrow

Academic Program

All of Method Schools’ charters are accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) thr...  arrow

Academic Program

Each year, we set goals and initiatives to reflect our direction and areas of emphasis. However, our three "north star" goals that serve as a foundation every year are:

  1. Academic growth for ...  arrow
Charter Authorizations

The school name, “Method,” includes two California charter schools: Method LA, authorized by Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School District, and Method Schools, authorized by Dehesa Elementary School District. The most rece...  arrow

Meet our Team of Online School Experts

Our online learning team is staffed by online learning experts and certified instructors. You can see our most current ...  arrow

Employee Compensation

Method does not operate with a salary schedule because we don't believe it's effective at motivating or taking care of our team. It also limits financial flexibility during outlier revenue years. Our team works hard, ...  arrow

Who Can Attend Method?

Enrollment is open to all students in the below counties who are in grades K-12 and who aren't concurrently enrolled at another school:

  • Los Angeles
  • San Diego
  • ...  arrow
Business Operations

In recent years, marketing has been a hot discussion in public education. It's important to note that charter schools, unlike school districts, do not have a "built in" enrollment base. As a result, charter schools ne...  arrow

Business Operations
Finance & Budget

Our financial and budget strategy can be found here. But to summarize, we focus on our financial "Pillars of Fiscal Strength," which are:

  • Solvency...  arrow
Academic Program
Why No Learning Centers?

Method doesn't operate any full-service learning centers. The school does have a headquarters in Murrieta but no students attend or receive academic support there due to various laws and regulations that charter schoo...  arrow

Academic Program
Student to Teacher Ratio

Both Method charters adhere to a 25:1 student/teacher ratio using California credentialed teachers. In 2019-20, both charters decided to lower the ratio to 20:1.

Wondering how we can afford to drop to a 20:1 ra...  arrow

Academic Program
Attendance Track

Each year, Method features one enrollment track. The track essentially mimics an extended year schedule. Due to the nature of non-classroom-based operations, many students come and go during the year, but students can...  arrow

Academic Program
Attendance Reporting

Method uses the SmartFox student information system to track and report student attendance. We credit attendance based on the Method board-approved attendance policy, which is aligned to California Education Code and ...  arrow

Academic Program
Tiered Re-Engagement

Local Education Agencies (LEAs) are required by the California Department of Education to use a tiered approach to absences and lack of academic movement. The multi-tiered approach using actionable support syste...  arrow

Academic Program

We developed an integrated, advanced online platform, SmartFox, to make it easier to manage students information, pinpoint learning needs, and serve students more efficiently. We built SmartFox’s student information s...  arrow

Board Members

Dr. Steven Dorsey, President:

Shannon Clark, Vice President: scla...  arrow

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