Welcome to Method Parent HUB
Welcome to the Method Parent Hub! Our goal is for Method parents to access supports as learning coaches which directly impact independent online student learning at Method Schools. Our Parent Hub will support your role as learning coaches and the duties that follow. At the Parent Hub, you will be able to listen to valuable parent podcasts, receive mental health resources, and even join the Parent Advisory Committee! We’re dedicated to bridge communication and supports from Method Schools to your home. Welcome Parents!
Parent HUB Resources
Clerical Calendar (on Goolge)
Weekly Schedule & Zooms
Support Class Schedule
K8 Drive
HS Drive
Pacing Guides: ES, MS, HS
SEL Slides: ES, MS, HS
MTSS Handbook
Parent/Student Handbook
Mental Health/SS Resources
Meeting Presentations
PD Plan
PD Presentations/Resources
Meet the Parent Success Managers
Rachel DeSena
Parent Success Manager
Rachel DeSena My role is to support parents and guardians as they help their students navigate online learning and Method schools. How can I help support you?
Sabrina Godshaw
Parent Success Manager High School
Here to support, assist and guide learning coaches to their full potential which impacts student growth and learning.
PAC: Parent Advisory Committee
Method School parents please join the Parent Advisory Committee as valuable stakeholders of Method Schools. Stay informed of the new legislations for charter schools and let your voice be heard on a state level, participate in the planning of events and share your ideas on building Method Schools. We're even better with parents participation. We meet every other month via zoom. To learn more parents click below
Learn more about joining the PAC
Parent Podcast Library
Method Parents we have our PODCASTS to GO! Ready to listen while in the car. Discover the treasures of wisdom through the experts and special guests from our parent workshops.
Parent Events
Attendance and Accountability: Keys to Success in an Online Learning Environment
At The Academy at Method Schools, we are dedicated to ensuring every student thrives ..
Is The Academy at Method Schools the Right Fit for Your Teen?
One of the most critical decisions as a parent or guardian is choosing the best educa..
Supporting Method Schools Students During the Holiday Break: Family Tips
The holiday season is a perfect opportunity for students to recharge, spend quality t..
Unlocking Student Potential: The Benefits of Customized Learning Paths
Education today is no longer a one-size-fits-all journey. At Method Schools and The A..
The Vital Role of Parent & Guardian Involvement in Dual Enrollment Success
At The Academy, a collaborative dual enrollment program between Method Schools and Co..
Maximizing College Success: Benefits of Dual Enrollment with IGETC
In today’s competitive academic and job markets, students are increasingly seeking wa..