Registration/Enrollment for 2025-26 is Now Open. Save a Spot for Your Student
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Registration/Enrollment for 2025-26 is Now Open.

Learning Pods

The consistency of a learning pod provides students with the opportunity to see the same peers on a weekly basis, which can also support social development and provide students with friends they may fear missing because of their virtual schooling. Each pod has a designated support staff member who works in conjunction with parents and teachers to provide personalized instruction and activities of interest for each student group.

Learning Pods
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Pod Learning by Method

What's a Learning Pod?

Learning pods provide Method students with optional enhanced, personalized instruction, built-in social networks, and an effective learning coach support system. Method enrolls groups of students who are in geographic proximity to each other into learning pods based on parent request.

Each pod has a designated Method staff member who works in conjunction with parents and teachers to provide personalized instruction and activities of interest for each student group. The benefit of a pod with Method is that your students have access to standards-aligned curriculum, enhanced test prep support, and the opportunity to build friendships, support and extended learning in a small group setting.

Vector (11)

Since day one we've worked tirelessly to provide our students with the very best possible independent study learning experience. Learning pods are another example of this, providing homeschool families with more access to individualized teacher instruction, socialization, and small group learning."

Dr. Jessica Spallino Co-founder & CEO
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Pod Learning by Method

Pods Create Consistent Meeting Times

The consistency of a learning pod provides students with the opportunity to see the same peers on a weekly basis, which can also support social development and provide students with friends they may fear missing because of their virtual schooling. Consistency in both routine and in relationships contributes to students feeling safe, empowered, and ready to learn.

Students can get out of the home and into varied environments, which can develop stimulation, encourage inquiry, and simply provide a change in routine.

Vector (11)

"Method Schools continually looks to not only evolve with the times but stay ahead of the curve. Post-COVID, seeing that 72% of parents believe learning pods enhance public education (State Policy Network), we knew that providing our students with pods was the next best step to ensure that all of California’s students have the opportunity for this type of enhanced educational experience."

Jana Sosnowski Chief Academic Officer
Pod Learning by Method

And The Personalization Afforded By Small Group Learning

Another benefit of learning pods is that students have live in-person access to teachers who are dedicated specifically and solely to their education. With small groups, teachers can personalize instruction based on the child’s interests and learning style, further enhancing the flexible education a virtual environment provides. This offers more opportunities for a child to engage in the material she or he is learning and to facilitate a positive perspective to education.

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Pod Learning by Method

Learning Pods Make Homeschool Easier For Parents

Virtual learning often means that parents and caregivers are juggling other responsibilities around their child’s school day. This can even include multiple learners in the same household. Learning pods not only benefit students but also provide parents and caregivers with added support, technology such as devices and math and science manipulatives and take the burden of helping students with questions about their course work.

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