Registration/Enrollment for 2025-26 is Now Open. Save a Spot for Your Student
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Registration/Enrollment for 2025-26 is Now Open.

Method Schools K-12 Parent & Student Handbook

Welcome to our K-12 online school! We know you have choices, and we’re excited you chose Method Schools to learn and grow. We look forward to seeing how you will help enrich our online learning community. Explore our handbook to learn the latest details about new initiatives and plans for your student’s success.

Parent & Student Handbook
Method Schools Mission

Method Schools Mission

The mission of Method Schools is to provide breakthrough tools and educational approaches that deliver maximum results and accountability to K-12 families. Method Schools provides K-12 online school, innovative tools, and educational practices to maximize personalization and empower students to become problem solvers, effective communicators, critical thinkers, and creative innovators. Method Schools believes students should be active participants and decision makers in their educational process, and we foster a culture of expectation throughout all levels of the organization.

Our curriculum and educational practices inspire creativity and innovation and promote critical thinking and problem solving along with providing consistent opportunities for communication and collaboration.

The tools and practices we use reflect an environment where students are in alignment with 21st century skills, including:

Life and Career Skills


Learning and Innovation Skills

Media and Technology Skills

Core Subjects

Further Focus Areas for Method Schools

Create learning practices and instruction that will support the teaching and learning of 21st century skill outcomes.

Support expanded community involvement in learning, both face to face and online.

Support professional learning communities that enable educators to collaborate, share best practices, and integrate 21st century skills into instructional practice.

Focus on content knowledge and expertise.

Enable students to learn in relevant, real-world 21st century contexts (e.g., through project-based or other applicable work).

Build understanding across and among core subjects.

Allow equitable access to quality learning tools, technologies, and resources.

Emphasize deep understanding rather than surface knowledge.

Provide 21st century architectural and interior designs for group, team, and individual learning.

Engage students with the real-world data, tools, and experts they will encounter in college, on the job, and in life.

Allow for multiple measures of mastery.

Overview of Method Schools

Method Schools: An Overview

Philosophy and Vision

Method Schools believe students should be active participants and decision makers in their educational process. As often as possible, the curriculum and instruction should be personalized not only to a student’s abilities but also to their interests. The curriculum and educational practices should inspire creativity and innovation, promote critical thinking and problem solving, and offer consistent opportunities for communication and collaboration.

Student Goals

The following goals have been established for every Method Schools student:

Become self-motivated, lifelong reflective learners

Prioritize tasks

Demonstrate efficient time management

Develop leadership qualities

Establish and achieve personal goals

Develop a variety of strategies to maximize learning

Become effective global communicators

Listen with understanding and interpret effectively

Convey information with knowledge and confidence

Read with comprehension and fluency

Write in a variety of formats at each grade level

Be proficient in academic skills

Demonstrate growth in all content standards

Demonstrate growth in the acquisition of 21st century skills

Become productive citizens

Demonstrate respect for self and others

Accept personal responsibility for actions

Work effectively as an individual and as a part of a collaborative team

Develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle

Contribute to the betterment of the local and global communities

Participate fully in the democratic process

Acknowledge and seek to understand diversity

Method Schools works with a goal of educating its students to their fullest potential and is built on a foundation of collaboration between parents, students, and our highly qualified staff. Our staff will work with you to:

Determine student strengths, areas of needs, and goals, as well as assign focused and specific strategies to benefit your student’s learning and achievement.

Monitor your student’s progress often and continually refine learning strategies.

Ensure your student achieves their goals and progresses to new goals.

Enrollment Information

Method Schools is a public school of choice.

There is no discrimination in the admission of students to the school on the basis of race, creed, color, handicapping condition, or gender. Method Schools provides a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) to all of its students. However, all students need to be able to meet the enrollment requirements.

Student registration is always online at The enrollment process must be completed in full and submitted with all the required documentation before a student’s schedule is accepted.

Please send questions about the status of your enrollment to the front offices. Students who have received services under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) need to provide this information at the time of enrollment. A Method Schools staff member will contact you to ensure proper placement of your student into our program.

Students who qualify for special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education (IDEA) are not allowed to participate in independent study unless it is specifically authorized under their IEP.

Concurrent enrollment in another public or private school isn’t allowed at Method Schools and will cause the student to be withdrawn immediately. This does not include college-level coursework. Please refer to our enrollment requirements.


Method Schools does not charge fees for our programs or services provided to families. Enrollment with Method is always tuition-free. However, as with many school programs, some expenses may be the responsibility of enrolled families.

Mid-Year Enrollment

Method Schools’ curriculum is mastery-based. That means each of the lessons in the curriculum builds upon content mastered in a previous lesson. As a result, all students who enter mid-year will work with their assigned Method Schools teacher to identify the academically appropriate starting point in the K12/FuelEd curriculum. Most often, we advise students who enter mid-year to complete the unit assessments that are offered at the end of each unit. If your student masters a unit assessment, you can assume that the student has mastered all concepts taught in that unit, and you can mark all lessons in that unit as complete.

Admissions at Method School


Age Requirement

Students will be admitted to kindergarten at the beginning of a school year if the child will have their fifth birthday on or before Nov. 1 of the school year.

A child is eligible for transitional kindergarten (TK) if they have their fifth birthday between Sept. 2 and Dec. 2.


All of the following immunizations are required for enrollment into Method Schools:



Mumps (except for children who have reached the age of 7 years old)

Pertussis (whooping cough)




Hepatitis B

Varicella (chicken pox)

Persons already admitted into California public or private schools at the kindergarten level or above before July 1, 2001, shall be exempt from varicella immunization requirement for school entry.

TDAP (pertussis)

The TDAP must be administered after a student’s seventh birthday but before they enter the seventh grade.

The school verifies immunizations through written medical records from your doctor or immunization clinic. Pupils who fail to complete the series of required immunizations within the specified time will be denied enrollment until the series has been completed. Exceptions are allowed under the following conditions:

The parent provides a signed doctor’s statement verifying that the child is to be exempted from immunization for medical reasons. This statement must identify the specific nature of the probable duration of the medical condition.

As of Jan. 1, 2016, due to Senate Bill 277, a parent may no longer request an exemption for their child from immunization for personal or religious beliefs. The bill does exempt pupils who are enrolled in an independent study program and do not receive classroom-based instruction. Students enrolled in synergy will not be able to request an exemption from the required immunization; however, those students enrolled in Smart School can submit a waiver based on personal or religious belief.

Any child leaving the United States for a short vacation to any country considered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to have increased risk of TB exposure, such as Mexico, Philippines, India, or Southeast Asia, must call the County of Tuberculosis clinic for TB screening upon return.

Physical Examinations

All pupils need to complete a health screening examination on or before the 90th day after the pupil enters into first grade, or they need a waiver pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 124085. This examination can be obtained from your family physician or possibly through the services provided by your county health department. Information and forms are distributed to pupils enrolled in kindergarten.

Failure to obtain an examination or a waiver for your child will result in your child being denied enrollment. The school recommends that children undergo a yearly speech, hearing, and eye examination.

Enrollment Requirements

Our school is a full-time, general education, independent study program; it is not a supplemental program or a part-time program.

Method Schools is a mastery-based program. Letter grades are not given for students in kindergarten-5th grade.

Students in grades 6-8 receive letter grades based on the grading scale in the student/parent handbook.

High school students must be enrolled in and maintain a minimum of 30 credits.

If a student moves while attending Method, a new proof of residency must be submitted within 10 school days.

Students must be in good standing with their previous school district and Method Schools when re-enrolling.

Students in grades 9-12 may only be enrolled in Method Schools and not concurrently enrolled in another high school, except for a pre-approved junior college.

Method Schools does not give partial credit for students leaving prior to the end of a semester.

Students may only be enrolled in Method Schools and may not be currently enrolled in another school, public or private.

The parent, guardian, and/or learning coach is responsible for ensuring the child is attending school (actively engaged and completing Method-assigned lessons) for 4-6 hours per day.

Due to the nature of independent study programs, adhering to school enrollment requirements is extremely important to the success of the student.

Students must reside within a county we serve and provide residency prior to their enrollment.

All required documentation must be received by our staff (e.g., transcripts, proof of address, proof of age, and vaccinations) must be submitted within 30 days.

All information on the application must be true and correct. If misrepresentations are made, the application will be deemed as not meeting our requirements, which may result in revoking or halting enrollment.

Enrollment is contingent upon the student, parent, and teacher signing the independent study master agreement form prior to the commencement of instructional services.

Parents and students will not have access to the online curriculum until the master agreement is signed and returned. Failure to sign the agreement form within three days of enrollment approval and/or each subsequent year will result in the immediate indication of non-enrollment in Method Schools, and the student’s account will be deactivated.

Method Schools must have transcripts from a previous high school to determine course placement.

We have the authority to review report cards and transcripts to determine a student’s appropriate placement.

Prerequisite requirements: Many courses for high school students require prerequisites. The specific course prerequisites are included in the individual course descriptions.

Attendance Requirements

Students are expected to complete coursework and log into their curriculum platform every school day, Monday-Friday, except for designated holidays. Please refer to the school calendar for holidays.

You must notify a Method Schools teacher of any extended family travel two weeks prior to leaving, except during normal school vacations and holidays. Failure to do so may result in the student being withdrawn from our school.

Regardless of whether the time is on-site or at home, students are expected to work on their courses for 4-6 hours each day.

During travel time, the student must be completing coursework and a parent, guardian, or learning coach must be available by phone or internet.


Progress is logged daily. Students are expected to make continuous progress (be actively engaged and completing assignments) in the curriculum. Students are required to complete Renaissance Star testing each month, and their mentoring teacher must determine progression.

Failure to meet the requirements listed above may indicate that an independent study program is not the appropriate placement for your student and may result in your student’s withdrawal from Method Schools. If a student is withdrawn for failing to meet the enrollment requirements, the student will be unable to re-enroll for the remainder of the current academic year and one academic year following.

The Learning Coach - Method School

The Learning Coach

The learning coach is the person designated by the student’s family (usually a parent) who helps guide students in their education at home. In an independent study program, the learning coach’s role in the student’s academics is critical to the student’s success. Learning coaches will work closely with our staff and teachers to ensure the student’s success.

The Learning Coach’s Responsibilities to the Student

The learning coach continuously supervises the student(s) during regular school hours (recommended 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m.). The learning coach, in partnership with Method Schools teachers, is responsible for ensuring the child is participating appropriately in the instructional program. This can include but is not limited to:

Completing assigned lessons

Completing assessments as needed (once a month)

Participate in weekly virtual sessions with your teacher (may include supplemental instruction)

Completing Renaissance Star Assessments to ensure interventions as needed

Taking annual standardized tests as required by the California Department of Education

Being available for and actively participating in virtual meetings or instructional assistance

The learning coach needs to understand the following:

It is their responsibility to have the student participate in required interventions as deemed necessary by our staff.

Method Schools records online class sessions (a student's full name does not show on the recording).

The learning coach is required to be able to read and understand the curriculum and instructional materials provided by Method Schools.

The learning coach will work in partnership with Method Schools’ teachers to identify and support students with academic issues.

The learning coach is expected to support students in attending your nearest location for state-mandated testing

The Learning Coach’s Responsibilities to Method Schools

Have a working phone number, email account, and internet access at the time of enrollment.

Check email and phone messages daily.

Inform Method Schools teachers within 48 hours of any changes to contact information (e.g., address, phone number, or email address).

Respond to all calls and emails from Method Schools teachers within 48 hours via phone or email.

Submit work samples as requested by your teacher in a timely manner.

Learning coaches are also expected to treat teachers and staff with respect and professionalism. This includes but is not limited to:

Not using rude language (including profanity, yelling, badgering) on the phone, via email, or in person

Not threatening teachers and/or staff on the phone, via email, or in person

The Learning Coach’s Meeting Requirements

Attend regularly scheduled meetings, including face-to-face or virtual sessions, with our teachers and the student at a mutually agreed-upon location/time

Attend regularly scheduled phone conferences with our teachers

Attend scheduled web-based conferences and/or informational meetings with Method Schools staff

Be available during regular school hours and Method Schools’ working hours to meet with teachers and/or staff (Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m.).

Failure to meet the requirements listed above may indicate that an independent study program is not the appropriate placement for your student and may result in your student’s withdrawal from Method Schools. If a student is withdrawn for failing to meet the enrollment requirements, the student will be unable to re-enroll for the remainder of the current academic year and one academic year following.

General Information about method school

General Information

Independent Study Master Agreement

California Independent Study regulations require that any student enrolled in Method Schools has a signed independent study master agreement (ISMA) on file for each year they are enrolled. The student, the parent/guardian, and our teachers must sign the agreement.

Additionally, should a learning coach other than the parent/guardian be responsible for instruction, they must also sign the master agreement. Please work with your teacher to ensure that your child’s ISMA is signed in a timely manner.

Failure to provide a signed ISMA prior to each year will result in your child’s withdrawal from our program due to this state requirement.

Diagnostic Assessment Tools

Upon enrollment, each student takes a diagnostic assessment in reading and math. Our teachers use this data to help with course placement and create a personalized instructional plan for each student. These tests are required quarterly for all students.

SmartFox Online Curriculum

The online curriculum provided by Method Schools is designed to align with California Common Core Standards. Based on data from diagnostic assessments, as well as teacher assessment and observation, students may be assigned additional supplemental curriculum to address their learning needs and weaknesses.

Access to the online curriculum provides daily student lessons and requires a connection to the internet through your service provider.


We make every effort to maintain the confidentiality of students attending Method Schools. Parents must give permission before a student’s name or image can be displayed in a public manner. Student files are accessible only to employees of Method Schools who have an interest in the education of its students.

Learning coaches and students should be careful not to share their online curriculum username and password with any unauthorized individuals.

If a parent or teacher believes the security of the online curriculum has been compromised, the parent should use the tools provided in the online curriculum to change their username and password. In addition, parents are advised to avoid using personal information in emails. For example, using a student’s first initial is preferred over using a student’s first name.

Learning Coach Requirements

Method Schools requires that a responsible adult be at home to supervise the instruction of each student. Upon enrollment, the learning coach and student are required to sign an independent study master agreement that acts as a contract between enrolled families and Method Schools. As a learning coach, you can expect to spend an average of 4-6 hours per day on direct student instruction, depending on the student’s grade level, with additional time for daily or weekly lesson preparation. A student’s successful progress depends on daily learning coach commitment to the discipline and organization required to manage a first-class education.

Student Agreement

In signing the independent study master agreement upon enrollment, the student agrees to the following expectations, which were included in your student’s master agreement paperwork and agreed to when you enrolled your student in Method Schools:

I voluntarily request participation in this independent study program and have read and understood the terms of the master agreement.

I will complete all coursework outlined in the master agreement and as assigned to me in the periodic student assignment and work record.

Parent/Legal Guardian Agreement

In signing the independent study master agreement upon enrollment, the parent or legal guardian agrees to the following:

I agree with the above conditions listed in the student’s agreement/responsibilities.

I am responsible for the daily monitoring/verification of all subjects studied with scheduled monitoring by the Method Schools teacher.

If I become aware of special or extenuating circumstances that will prohibit my student from turning in the assigned work by the due date, I will contact the Method Schools teachers prior to the due date to make alternative arrangements.

I understand that it is my responsibility to provide any needed transportation for my child’s scheduled meetings at a mutually agreed-upon location reflected on the face of the master agreement. I understand that a lack of transportation is not an acceptable reason for failing to meet with a Method Schools teacher.

Change of Contact Information

If you move while enrolled at Method Schools, please notify our enrollment specialists and provide any updated proof of residency for your new address. Our staff will update the records accordingly. Correct contact information ensures that curriculum materials and important school notices are mailed to the correct student address.

Parents are also asked to update their account information in the online curriculum should their email address change. Communication is often sent via email to the email address listed in the online curriculum. Thus, we would like to keep all records up to date.


Attendance is important for the success of a student. If a student does not attend school and complete coursework, then they cannot succeed. Attendance is tracked through the online curriculum platform and completed coursework is monitored by our teachers. We expect lessons to be completed each school day.

Excused absences are those that have been communicated to and approved by the teacher. Valid reasons for an excused absence include illness, bereavement, family emergency, and natural disaster. Some instances may require written verification (i.e., doctor’s note) that you can submit to your teacher.

Incomplete assignments equate to an absence at Method. Excessive absences interfere with the student’s academic achievement. Students who have unexcused absences will be contacted by the school. If attendance is not rectified in a timely manner, the administration may deem that enrollment is not in the best interest of your child, and your child may be subject to withdrawal.

Noncompliance Policy

Method Schools is in partnership with families to educate the students enrolled in our program. The partnership cannot be effective if students and/or parents/guardians are not actively participating in our program and meeting our enrollment requirements.

Indications that a student is not actively participating in our program include not attending sessions, missing or refusing to schedule meetings, being unreachable, and not meeting additional enrollment requirements.

For purposes of this policy, a student not logging into their online courses or attending required meetings or instructional sessions without prior approval or proof of an alternate academic activity is considered an “absence.” Students having excessive absences will be evaluated to determine whether it is in the best interest of the student to remain in the independent study. Parents or guardians will be informed of this policy as part of the student agreement signed each year.

The evaluation shall take place during an attendance evaluation, which is conducted by a Method Schools administrator or designee. The Method Schools administrator or designee shall provide written notification to the parent/guardian or adult student of the attendance evaluation meeting.

In these instances, Method Schools will take the following actions:

Contact the family by phone and email requesting a resolution within 48 hours.

If there is no resolution within 48 hours, a teacher will attempt to contact the family again by phone and email. The email will request a resolution within three school days.

If the issue is not resolved after those three days, the administration is notified and a second email is sent notifying the family that they must set up an attendance evaluation meeting, as outlined below, to determine whether or not independent study is in the best interest of the student.

Teachers are required to document each step of this process with detail and accuracy. This includes the date and time of attempted contact, the phone number and/or email used, and the reason for contact.

Student Success Team Meetings

Pupils who have excessive absences during one learning period are required to attend a student success team meeting to determine whether it is in the best interest of the pupil to remain in independent study. This conference shall be held as soon as possible, and the pupil will receive written notice of the student success team meeting. The pupil may request one postponement, not to exceed five (5) school days, of the conference for good cause.

At the meeting, the parent/guardian or adult student shall be informed of the reason for the meeting and the evidence supporting a finding that independent study is not in the pupil’s best interest. If the pupil and/or representative do not attend the meeting, the Method staff will review the relevant information and make a determination based on the pupil’s absences/missed assignments.

The pupil and their representative will be given the opportunity to present information and/or witnesses to the Method staff orally, in writing, or both during the conference. Method staff will take any information presented by the parent/guardian/adult student into consideration when determining whether it is in the best interest of the pupil to remain in independent study.

Additional factors to be considered include but are not limited to the following:

Pupil’s grades at the time of evaluation

Teacher observation/feedback

Pupil’s progress in independent study curriculum

The Method Schools staff's decision shall be provided in writing to the parent/guardian within three days of the evaluation. Method Schools staff may:

Find independent study in the pupil's best interest

Place the pupil on attendance probation to be evaluated again at the next attendance period if the pupil continues to fail to engage in daily activities

Use other alternatives to improve attendance or find that it is not in the pupil’s best interest to remain in the independent study

If the Method Schools staff finds that it is not in the pupil’s best interest to remain in the independent study, then the pupil shall be withdrawn from enrollment at the charter school and the parent/guardian or adult student shall immediately enroll in a site-based program through the local school district or other appropriate educational programs. Method School decisions are final.

Code of Conduct

Freedom of speech and expression is valued not only throughout society but also, and particularly, in the academic setting. No more is this so than in the classroom.

At Method Schools, a classroom is defined as many different locations. These may include but are not limited to:

Online classroom sessions

On-site classes or meetings

Any Method Schools community area

As a diverse community of learners, students must strive to work together in a setting of civility, tolerance, and respect for each other in an environment that does not distract from the mutual commitment to academic inquiry and reflection. To that end, the following code of classroom and school etiquette has been established.

Students will be respectful of teachers, aides, or any other Method Schools staff members at all times. Talking back or disrespect in any form will not be tolerated.

When participating in class dialogue, no one monopolizes discussions to the exclusion of others, either in terms of time or opinions expressed.

Conflicting opinions among members of a class are respected and responded to in a professional manner.

No side conversations or other distracting behaviors are engaged in during class discussions or presentations.

No offensive comments, language, or gestures will be tolerated.

Please see additional policies specific to behavior, dress code, and technology and internet use in the following pages.

Adherence to this code of etiquette will enable students to receive the most from their academic endeavors and should be seen as a regular and voluntary compact among faculty and students. Any infraction of this code that is deemed to be materially or substantially disruptive of the learning environment is cause for the removal of a student from a class or for student disciplinary proceedings. Any deviation from the expected student behavior, as posted in the Code of Conduct, will be handled according to the behavior policy.

Bullying and Intimidation

Method Schools believes that all students have a right to a safe and healthy school environment. To that end, the schools and community have an obligation to promote mutual respect, tolerance, and acceptance. Method Schools will not tolerate any act of intimidation—including direct physical contact, gestures, comments, threats, or actions, either written, verbal, or physical—which cause, threaten to cause, or are likely to cause bodily harm, social isolation, manipulation, or personal degradation at any school site, at any school activity whether on or off campus, while traveling to and from school or a school-sponsored activity, or during the lunch period, whether on or off the school site.

The consequences of these actions may include a broad range of disciplinary measures as appropriate; however, every effort will also be taken to provide or locate appropriate assistance for both the victim and the offender.

For the purpose of this administrative regulation, bullying may include but is not limited to making unsolicited and unwelcome written, verbal, physical, and/or visual threatening gestures or contact.

Written: Intimidating/threatening letters, notes, or messages

Physical: Hitting, slapping and/or pinching

Verbal: Intimidating/threatening comments, slurs, innuendos, teasing, jokes, or epithets

Visual: Threatening gestures

Initial Response and Reporting Expectations

Method Schools expects all employees, if they observe or become aware of an act of intimidation, to take immediate, appropriate steps to intervene.

Investigation and Response

Any incident that may constitute an act of intimidation and is reported to the director/principal shall be thoroughly investigated by the site administrator or designee. Consequences shall be commensurate with the results of the investigation. These may include but are not limited to counseling, parent conference, detention, involuntary transfer, and formal suspension and/or expulsion of the offender. The parent or guardian shall be contacted and may be asked to attend a conference with school officials.

Academic Interventions and Late Work Policy

Method Schools follows a prescriptive method for individual and personalized student learning based on student needs. Based on a multi-tiered support system (MTSS) model, students may be required to attend additional interventions where teachers deem appropriate. Additional interventions include but are not limited to:

Required attendance in additional targeted direct instruction (TDI) sessions

Adapted or modified online curriculum

Assignment of student success manager

More frequent progress checks with teacher and parent

If prescribed interventions do not result in adequate progress or change, the teacher will call a student success team meeting (SST). At this meeting, the student, teacher, and parent meet to discuss the challenges and obstacles the student faces and come to an agreement regarding what interventions are appropriate and whether further interventions must be put in place.

When Students Are At-Risk

When students don’t meet expectations, teachers may need to prescribe certain interventions as the teacher and/or staff deem appropriate.

Once students have been identified as at-risk, the prescribed interventions can and should be lifted after a sustained amount of time during which the student demonstrates success. Although a teacher can keep a student on an at-risk status longer if appropriate, at-risk status carries a minimum duration of at least a quarter, even if students show immediate improvement.


If it is determined that a student has violated the Code of Conduct, Method Schools staff will adhere to the following procedures:

First warning

If the problem continues, administrator phone conferences

Parent-teaching meeting

Possible withdrawal

Depending on the severity of each action, Method Schools reserves the right to withdraw a student upon the first action. This document describes the policies and guidelines to be used by Method Schools and exists to ensure that all Method Schools students are aware of and understand their responsibilities when accessing and using Method Schools resources.


As a student enrolled in Method Schools, you should be aware of the following guidelines and expectations. Any activity that is not listed here and that violates local, state, or federal laws is considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and Acceptable Use Guidelines.

Failure to follow these guidelines will result in:

Removal of your access to Method Schools' instructional computing resources, which would result in your inability to complete learning activities

Involvement of law enforcement agencies and possible legal action

Withdrawal from our program


In order to promote learning and protect the safety and well-being of all students, Method Schools adheres to the suspension and expulsion guidelines established by California Education Code Section 48900. When a student interferes with the learning, safety, and well-being of students, it may be necessary to suspend or expel the student from regular classroom instruction. Staff shall enforce disciplinary rules and procedures fairly and consistently amongst all students.

Discipline includes but is not limited to advising and counseling students, conferring with parents/guardians, assigning detention during and after school hours, using alternative educational environments, suspending students, and expelling students. Suspended or expelled students shall be excluded from all school and school-related activities unless otherwise agreed during the period of suspension or expulsion.

A student identified as an individual with disabilities or of whom the school has a basis of knowledge of a suspected disability pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Improvement Act (“IDEIA”) or who is qualified for services under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) is subject to the same grounds for suspension and expulsion and is afforded the same due process procedures applicable to regular education students except when federal and state law mandates additional or different procedures.

The school will follow Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Improvement Act (IDEIA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and all federal and state laws when imposing any form of discipline on a student identified as an individual with disabilities or of whom the school has a basis of knowledge of a suspected disability or who is otherwise qualified for such services or protections in according due process to such students.

Dress Code

It is important to require a standard of dress for when students are on campus or attending a school-related event. These instances include but are not limited to outings, testing days, and community days.

Clothing worn should promote the learning process and appropriate behavior. It is expected that students will wear clothing that is consistent with their health, safety, and welfare.

The following standard of dress must be observed in these instances:

Shorts and skirts must be longer than the tips of fingers when arms are relaxed at sides

Undergarments must not show (e.g., saggy pants or sheer clothing)

No strapless or backless tops or dresses

No item of clothing may display foul or derogatory language or artwork

No bare midriffs

No pajamas (unless it is spirit week)

No low-cut tops revealing cleavage

Technology and Internet Use

To ensure internet safety for all students and the appropriate use of school equipment, Method Schools has developed the following policies regarding the acceptable use of technology at Method Schools.

Network Etiquette

As a Method student, you are expected to follow the rules of network etiquette or “netiquette.” Netiquette refers to common-sense guidelines for conversing with others online. Please abide by these standards:

Avoid sarcasm, jargon, and slang

Be constructive with your criticism, not harmful

Avoid swear words

Review your messages before sending them. Remove easily misinterpreted language and proofread for typos

Do not harass or threaten others

Respect the privacy of others

Do not use all capital letters (this is considered yelling)

Do not broadcast online discussions and never reveal other people’s email addresses

Never use derogatory comments, including those regarding race, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ability, political persuasion, body type, or physical or mental health

Do not post personal information (e.g., address, phone number, email, or usernames for services such as Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and TikTok)

Focus your responses on the questions or issues being discussed, not on the individuals involved

Internet Service Provider (ISP) Policy

Participation in Method Schools requires an internet connection. This internet connection is to be established and maintained by the family with the enrolled student(s). The nature of Method Schools’ program requires that students and learning coaches log onto the online curriculum each day to receive curriculum and lesson plans, attend online meetings, access necessary resources, meet daily attendance requirements, and submit lessons. Because of the unique schooling environment of Method Schools, it is an enrollment requirement to establish and maintain an internet account throughout the entire time of being enrolled with Method Schools. Failure to provide or maintain an internet connection will result in the withdrawal of your student.

Computer Policy

Method Schools will ensure that all enrolled students have access to a computer while on campus. Students are invited to use their personal devices on campus but must adhere to this Technology and Internet Use policy.

Prohibited Use

Illegal activities

Gambling or wagering

Offensive content of any kind including pornographic material

Commercial messages

Content that promotes discrimination on the basis of race, gender, national origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, or disability

Religious, political, or racial messages

Threatening or violent behavior

Messages that misrepresent yourself

Students also may not use devices while on campus to download any software onto Method Schools computers or to visit websites or chat rooms for any purpose besides Method Schools-related education.

Software programs may not be installed on the computer without written permission from the Method Schools. The only software that is required by Method Schools will be allowed on the Method Schools computers. All other software will be prohibited. Software that was originally provided with the computer may be updated without permission.

This includes programs such as but not limited to:

Adobe Reader

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Windows

Sun Microsystems Java

Any unacceptable usage of the property or software and/or any violation as described above regarding Method Schools equipment, software, online classrooms, or Network/Internet Policy (found in the enrollment paperwork and signed before enrollment) may result in disciplinary action up to and including the immediate termination of enrollment in Method Schools.

Materials and Computer Equipment

All instructional materials, including computer equipment and related hardware for use at Method Schools, are loaned to students while on campus at Method Schools.

On campus, school computers are only to be used for educational purposes, not for entertainment or other personal purposes. Method Schools shall not provide any funds or anything of value to the pupil or their parent or guardian that a school district could not legally provide to a similarly situated pupil of the school district or their parent/guardian.

Internet Safety Policy

It is the policy of Method Schools to:

Prevent user access over its computer network to, or transmission of, inappropriate material via the internet, electronic mail, or other forms of direct electronic communications

Prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use, or dissemination of personal identification information of minors

Prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activities

Comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act [Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254(h)]

Access to Inappropriate Material

To the extent practical, technology protection measures (or “internet filters”) shall be used to block or filter access to inappropriate information via the internet or other forms of electronic communications. Specifically, as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act, blocking shall be applied to visual depictions of material deemed obscene, child pornography, or any material deemed harmful to minors. Subject to staff or learning coach supervision, technology protection measures may be disabled or, in the case of minors, minimized only for bona fide research or other lawful purposes.

Inappropriate Network Usage

To the extent practical, steps shall be taken to promote the safety and security of users of Method Schools’ online computer network when using electronic mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, and other forms of direct electronic communications. Specifically, as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act, prevention of inappropriate network usage includes:

Unauthorized access, including so-called “hacking,” and other unlawful activities

Unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors.

Supervision and Monitoring

It shall be the responsibility of all Method Schools staff members and the learning coach at home to supervise and monitor the usage of the online computer network and access to the internet in accordance with this policy and the Children’s Internet Protection Act. Procedures for disabling or otherwise modifying any technology protection measures shall be the responsibility of the learning coach, Method Schools, or designated representatives.

CIPA Definitions of Terms

TECHNOLOGY PROTECTION MEASURE: The term “technology protection measure” means a specific technology that blocks or filters internet access to visual depictions that are:

OBSCENE, as that term is defined in Section 1460 of Title 18, United States Code

Harmful to minors

CHILD PORNOGRAPHY, as that term is defined in Section 2256 of Title 18, United States Code

HARMFUL TO MINORS: The term “harmful to minors” means any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that:

Taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion

Depicts, describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals

Taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors

SEXUAL ACT; SEXUAL CONTACT: The terms “sexual act” and “sexual contact” have the meanings given such terms in Section 2246 of Title 18, United States Code.

Harassment Reporting

If you are being harassed online in your school course environment, it is important to report it immediately to your school administrator. Harassment comes in many forms, including:

Spam (unsolicited emails not pertaining to the course)

Offensive communications or any other kind of communication that makes you feel uncomfortable (i.e., cyberbullying)

Threatening communications

Online Student Policy

First and foremost, do not wait for help. If you are struggling, confused, or are needing help with anything, email your mentor or course instructor immediately. Waiting for help will only result in you falling behind.

Students should set, and follow, a daily work schedule. We suggest that students complete 45- 50-minute work sessions, followed by small (5-minute) breaks, throughout the day until daily work has been completed.

Unless special arrangements are made, all Method Schools students are required to be enrolled in four courses throughout the school year.

All students will be scheduled to attend mandatory online meetings with their mentor.

Students will be enrolled in English and mathematics courses for the entirety of each 90-day semester.

Any student athletes enrolled in NCAA-approved courses will have mandatory, weekly, instructor-led, online instructional sync sessions. These are graded, and failure to attend may affect NCAA eligibility.

Students are required to be enrolled in four other courses throughout each semester. These courses will last for 45 days.

In order to stay on track, students should follow their pacing guides daily and successfully complete their courses on time.

Students will complete six courses per semester.

All students, as part of their agreement with Method Schools, will take monthly reading and math assessments. These help us determine whether students may be better served with additional instruction in these areas.

Daily attendance is mandatory. Students are required to work for a minimum of one hour each day, in each enrolled course, for a minimum total of four hours per day. This, of course, depends on student pace and assigned work for each day.

Online Classroom

Our online classroom experience is designed to extend beyond the boundaries of the physical classroom by connecting students and teachers and create a learning partnership. The online classroom is a real-time virtual classroom environment designed for virtual education and collaboration.

The online classroom technology enables all students of all ability levels to get an interactive learning experience. Method Schools offers a wide variety of student sessions that are an excellent resource for students. Teachers may conduct student sessions and offer office hours to answer questions from students and learning coaches.

Please refer to the Code of Conduct for student behavior expectations in online classroom sessions.

Grievance Policy and Procedures

Method Schools is committed to achieving and fostering both employee and student/family satisfaction. The following procedure was developed to ensure that employee, student, and family grievances are addressed fairly by the appropriate persons in a timely manner. Method Schools prohibits discrimination against students/families on the basis of ethnicity, sex, ancestry, physical or mental disability, race, color, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, or religion.

The parent/guardian will address in writing any concerns or grievances initially with the student’s teacher and lead teacher. Such a person will respond within 10 school days.

If the concern or grievance is not resolved, the parent/guardian may, within 10 school days, request a meeting with the director to discuss the concern or grievance. the director will investigate and respond within 10 school days.

A written email and letter will be sent to the family that will address the concern and outcome.

Special Education

Method Schools offers special education services within our full-inclusion general education independent study model. These services are available for all students who have been identified as qualifying for special needs. In compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) and the California Education Code, Method works to both identify and serve eligible children. Any parent who suspects that their child may have a disability should discuss their concerns with their child’s regular education teacher. Any special education needs or concerns should be directed to the director.

Response to Intervention/Student Success Team

The first step in response to concerns expressed by either a teacher or a parent is to start the response to intervention (RTI) process in order to improve your child's performance. The RTI process is a multi-tiered approach to providing services and interventions to students who struggle with learning at increasing levels of intensity based on progress monitoring and data analysis. Implementation of the RTI process limits the amount of academic failure that any student experiences. This process starts with in-depth screening to identify specific areas of need for students.

The student study team (SST) is a resource available to all Method families in the second tier in the RTI process. The SST is designed to address parent concerns regarding their student’s academic or behavioral challenges. The SST meeting provides a forum for the parent, general education teacher, and additional Method teachers and support staff to come together and develop additional ideas or strategies to help the student.

The process should be used as one of the preliminary steps in working with a specialist to help identify a student’s strengths and weaknesses. This will provide additional support to a student to enable their success within the least restrictive environment: the general education classroom. If you have academic or behavioral concerns regarding your student, please let your teacher know.


Method Schools offers student-specific, individualized interventions for all students. Your child will receive research-based support and strategies, particularly in areas where your child is struggling.

Child Find

Method Schools participates in a comprehensive “child find” protocol to identify students who have or may have exceptional needs. All instructional, support, and administrative staff members seek to participate in the “child find” protocol of the special education local plan area (SELPA). These systems include a variety of policies and practices that include but are not limited to the following:

Comprehensive post-enrollment practices that aim to identify students with exceptional needs in order to ensure that all instructional, support, and administrative staff members are aware of all students who have identified special needs

Continuous efforts to maintain and nurture relationships with all feeder local education agencies to request and obtain cumulative files and other documents in a timely fashion

Ongoing professional development and training for all instructional, support, and administrative staff members to ensure proper identification of special needs within all students

As part of the multi-tiered support system, continuous review and monitoring of all student assessment data, including state-mandated testing and all internal assessments, in order to identify students who may be falling behind expectations in their academic progress and are in need of additional support or services

Student Records

Your student’s records may be viewed at any time pursuant to the notification of rights under FERPA. Please provide our office with five (5) days’ notice so that the record may be pulled. The record must be viewed in the presence of a Method Schools administrative staff member.

Students who transfer into Method Schools will complete the Release of Student Records form included in the student enrollment package. Our office will send this form to your student’s previous school upon receipt in order to obtain your student’s records. It is the responsibility of your previous school to mail the records to Method Schools at that time.

Should you decide to withdraw from Method Schools and transfer to a new school, your new school will contact Method Schools to request your student’s records, and we will mail the records to them.

Should you decide to withdraw from Method Schools and teach in the home, please contact our school offices and we will mail a copy of your student records to you.

State Standardized Tests

Because we are a public charter school, our students participate in all state-mandated tests.

Participation rates are critical to the success of our school. According to recent regulations outlined in the Every Student Succeeds Act, a public school is required to achieve a participation rate of 95 percent on any state testing. If a school has less than 95 percent of its students participate in any assessment, the school runs the risk of receiving a serious penalty from the state of California.

A testing schedule will be distributed to all families. Individual student performance results on statewide achievement testing will be distributed to both parents and teachers in a timely manner.

Should you decide to withdraw from Method Schools and teach in the home, please contact our school offices and we will mail a copy of your student records to you.

Unable to Contact

In any school, but especially in a virtual school, regular communication with your Method Schools teacher is essential for your student's success in our program. If you are planning to be out of state, on vacation, or otherwise unable to communicate with your teacher for a period of time, please notify your teacher so that proper arrangements to monitor your student's progress and attendance can be made.

Due to the enrollment requirements of our school, if your teacher is unable to contact you for four days, Method will attempt contact via phone and email. If these procedures have been followed and contact has not been made within 24 hours, it will be assumed that your child is enrolled in another educational program, and your child will be withdrawn.


If you decide to withdraw a student from Method Schools, please communicate your decision through your assigned teacher. Your teacher will schedule a final virtual conference to ensure that your student receives the appropriate academic and attendance credit. During this meeting, you will be required to submit work samples that your student has completed since your last conference. Shipping labels required for the return of the loaned teaching materials will arrive within 2-3 weeks from the date you notified your teacher of your withdrawal.

Work Permits

Students requesting a work permit need to speak with their Method Schools mentor, complete the required paperwork, and submit it to their Method Schools teacher. Work permits are only issued to students who meet the following guidelines:

Maintain at least a 2.0 GPA

Are not under attendance evaluation

Please allow for at least 10 working days to return your permit paperwork. In order for us to complete work permit paperwork, your student must be in good standing with the school. If the student does not maintain good standing in terms of attendance and progress, the work permit will be revoked.

K-12 Course Expectations

K-12 Course Expectations

Method Schools offers students in the state of California the opportunity to work in a self-paced learning environment where academic course levels are tailored to meet the student at their point of need.

Progress in Curriculum

Method Schools realizes that not all students work at the same pace. However, students are expected to make consistent progress in each subject area each month. Students needing additional support either for remedial or advanced work have the opportunity to join online classroom sessions scheduled with their teacher.

Grade Level Promotion

Method Schools starts with the expectation that most of our students who regularly attend school will be promoted to the next grade level by the end of the school year. Grade-level promotion is not based solely on percentages, numbers of lessons completed, or test scores. Rather, grade-level promotion is based on a more comprehensive view that includes satisfactory progress in skill development, acceptable attendance, prior school experience, and achievement on lesson assessments and teacher assessment of student ability. As would be the case in a traditional classroom, students at Method will exhibit a significant range of achievement in a certain grade, and most students in this range will move to the next grade.

Promotion/Retention Policy (Method Schools Board Policy 9.1)

Method Schools expects students to progress through each grade within one school year. To accomplish this, instruction should accommodate the varying interests and growth patterns of individual students and include strategies addressing academic deficiencies when needed. Students shall progress through the grade levels by demonstrating growth in learning and meeting the grade-level standards of expected student achievement established by acceleration:

Grades K-8

A student enrolled in kindergarten may be admitted to the first grade at the discretion of the designee and with the consent of the parent/guardian if it is determined that the child is ready for first-grade work.

The designee may recommend a student enrolled in any grade between first and eighth for acceleration into a higher grade level when high academic achievement is evident. The student’s social and emotional growth shall be taken into consideration in making a determination to accelerate.

Promotion/Retention: Grades 2-8

Students shall be considered for promotion and retention in specific subject areas and between certain grade levels:

Second grade and third grade in reading

Third grade and fourth grade in reading

Fourth grade and fifth grade in reading

English language arts and math

The end of elementary grades (grade 5)

The beginning of middle school grades (grade 6) in reading, English language arts, and math

The end of middle school grades (grade 8)

The beginning of high school (grade 9) in reading, English language arts, and math

As early as possible in the school year and in each student’s school career, teachers shall identify students who should be retained or who are at risk of being retained in accordance with law, board policy, and administrative regulation. When a student has more than one teacher, the designee shall determine which individual teacher or teachers shall be responsible for the promotion/retention decision.

Students will be identified on the basis of grades and the following other indicators of academic achievement:

The assessment results

These results are determined by state’s standardized testing and reporting program and the minimum levels of proficiency recommended by the State Board of Education

District-designed, standards-based, grade-level skills exams

Includes a writing sample and an open-ended assessment

When a student is identified as being at risk of retention, parents/guardians shall be notified as early in the school year as practicable. In addition to being notified, a student’s parent/guardian shall have the opportunity to consult with the teacher or teachers responsible for the decision to promote or retain the student.

High School

At the senior high school level, progress toward high school graduation shall be based on the student’s ability to pass the subjects and electives necessary to earn the required number of credits. The student must also meet the minimum proficiency requirements set by the governing board and pass the exit examinations mandated by the state.

English Language Learners

For the English language learner, retention decisions shall be based on the student’s rate of English acquisition rather than on lack of grade-level English language proficiency or mastery of the school’s core academic content standards.

Special Needs Students

Special education and Section 504 students are expected to master the school’s core academic content standards to the maximum extent appropriate. Special education students may be retained through the individual education plan (IEP) process.

Elementary, middle, and high school students enrolled in special programs shall meet the goals stated in their IEPs or Section 504 plans.

Right to Appeal

Parents/guardians shall be provided a process whereby the decision to retain the student may be appealed.

Remedial Instruction

To assist students in overcoming academic deficiencies, the school shall offer programs of direct, systematic, and intensive supplemental instruction to students in grades 2-8, inclusive, who have been retained or who have been recommended for retention, pursuant to Education Code 48070.5. Supplemental instruction may also be offered to grades 2-8 to students who are identified as being at risk of retention.

Such opportunities may include but are not limited to tutorial programs, before/after school programs, intersession and summer school programs, or any other applied interventions. Services shall not be provided during the regular instructional day if that would result in the student being removed from classroom instruction in the core curriculum. This supplemental instruction program shall be developed in accordance with the requirements of Education Code 37252.5.

Grading Scale

Grades will be determined based on how a student performs on assignments within each course. Graded assignments can include:

Practice lessons


Journal entries

Class discussions





Essays/research papers

Assignments will be teacher graded or computer graded depending on the assignment. Students, parents, teachers, and administration have access to grades through the learning management system (LMS).

Grading Scale

A: 90-100%

B: 80-89%

C: 70-79%

D: 60-69%

Method High School

Graduation Requirements

In order to prepare students for a rigorous post-secondary education, Method Schools offers a course catalog that includes courses that are University of California A-G-approved and align to the state’s academic standards.

In order to graduate, students must complete 220 credits:

English/Language Arts: 40 credits

Math (Geometry or Integrated Math II Required): 30 credits

History/Social Science: 30 credits

Science (1 Year of Lab Science Required): 30 credits

World Language: 20 credits

Visual & Performing Arts: 10 credits

Health: 5 credits

Physical Education: 20 credits

Electives/Career Education: 35 credits

Courses may vary year to year depending on the offerings available. Please contact your teacher for additional information on the core, AP, honors, and elective courses.

Physical Education Requirement

Physical education is a required course. Students are to complete an average of 20 minutes of physical activity per day. Learning coaches are responsible for submitting a completed PE log for each student at each face-to-face meeting.

PE activities are activities that are structured, organized, and supervised (SOS). Examples include but are not limited to:

Participating in an athletic class, dance class, or sports team

Supervised activities, such as regular bicycling, hiking, calisthenics, or jogging.

High School Physical Education Requirement

The completion of 20 credits of PE is a requirement for graduation from Method. Along with PE curriculum content, students are required to complete physical activity every day while enrolled in a PE class and must log each day’s activities. These will be monitored by the learning coach or a professional trainer and/or coach. There are a variety of accepted physical education activities. Examples are provided in the PE syllabus.

Progress in Classes

The goal of Method Schools is to educate your student. We cannot be successful if your student does not participate in school. Attending an independent study program requires that students are able to complete work independently as outlined in the enrollment requirements and as scheduled by their subject teachers. If students are unable to complete and submit their assignments as assigned by their teachers, it may be an indication that independent study is not an appropriate placement.

Course Transfer Policy

Students enrolled late and transferring in from a prior school will have their transcripts reviewed. Every effort will be made to place the students in corresponding courses to complete for full semester credit. Counselors and administrators will review the courses and standards to ensure that the courses match standard alignment.

● UC/CSU approved

● Counselor/ Principal verification

Transferring credits from a school using a different credit system, Method School will evaluate the course and transfer the course and credits into the appropriate format. (i.e., quarter to semester, trimester to semester).

In order to have successful progress in each class:

The student will complete and/or submit all daily lessons in each course.

The student will make continuous progress (actively engaged, completing assignments, and submitting assignments) in each course.

Students will use the online curriculum provided by Method Schools.

The student must submit coursework at the direction of the teacher.

During travel time, the student must be progressing (actively engaged and completing assignments) in the curriculum. A travel plan must be created with a Method teacher prior to any travel that is longer than three days. If a student is not actively participating, Method Schools may withdraw the student for not meeting enrollment requirements.

Academic Integrity Policy

Students and staff members at Method Schools are responsible for upholding academic integrity, which refers to honesty and responsibility in representing your work and recognizing and acknowledging the contribution of others.

Acts of academic dishonesty violate the foundations of Method Schools, diminish learning, and are unfair to students who do their work. For these reasons, academic dishonesty is taken seriously with consequences ranging from failing the assignment or course to being withdrawn from Method Schools.

Definition of Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism

Academic dishonesty is any attempt to obtain credit through fraudulent means. This includes cheating, plagiarism, and any attempt to receive credit for academic work through fraudulent, deceptive, or dishonest means. Some examples of this include (but are not limited to):

Using another’s work and claiming it as your own

Copying other students’ work or allowing your work to be copied

Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise

Copying from the text, websites, or other course materials

Purchasing a paper or project

“Recycling” an assignment—submitting an assignment for more than one course

Asking for answers in any social media forum, discussion, or chatroom

Manipulating online assessments to achieve a passing score without mastering the content

Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else’s ideas or works as one’s own. This constitutes fraud or theft. Plagiarism or any form of academic dishonesty is a grave offense and will not be tolerated.

If a teacher or administrator determines there is sufficient evidence of academic dishonesty on the part of a student, the teacher may exercise one or more of the following options, depending on the severity of the offense.


First offense: The teacher will remove credit for any assignment related to the offense. The teacher will contact the parent and student regarding the offense and discuss the repercussions of additional offenses. The teacher will provide resources and support to promote student success while maintaining academic integrity. The student will be required to resubmit assignment(s) directly to the teacher within one week to receive credit.

Second offense: The teacher will remove credit for any assignment related to the offense. The teacher or administrator will confer with the parent and student regarding the seriousness of academic integrity. A letter will be placed in the student’s file regarding the offense. Additional supervision (for example, complete assessments in the online classroom) may be required to help support the student be successful in the future. The student will not receive academic credit for the assignment(s).

Third offense: A student may be withdrawn from Method Schools and placed back in their school of residence. The incidents will be noted in the student’s permanent file.

Avoiding Plagiarism

Students must give credit for any information that is not either the result of original research or common knowledge. If a student borrows ideas or information from another source, they must acknowledge the author in the body of the text and on the reference page. If a student borrows the words of another author, they must be careful to use the author's exact words, enclose them in quotation marks, and cite the source in the body of the text and on the reference page. If students are unsure whether or not they should cite, they are encouraged to cite. The student is also encouraged to ask instructors for guidance on this issue.

Students might also consult writing handbooks such as the Essential Little Brown Handbook and, for formatting questions, refer to manuals such as the MLA Handbook for the humanities, the Publication Manual of the APA for social sciences and business, and the CBE Style Manual for natural and applied sciences. Failure to abide by these standards will be reported to the appropriate administrative authorities and may result in loss of credit and revoked access to course(s).

Report Cards

Method Schools will provide a written report card for each student at the end of each semester. The report card will include an indicator of the student’s progress as well as a short narrative report provided by the child's teacher.

Because the K12/FuelEd curriculum is mastery-based, each report card is a “snapshot”—an important indicator of where a student is in their lesson schedule in a particular grade. Progress and achievement will vary according to lesson planning, teaching schedules, the date when a student enrolls, the student’s learning style, and aptitude.

Students beginning after the start of school will receive a progress report based on the completion of lessons in accordance with the amount of time they have been enrolled. The achievement will vary according to lesson planning, teaching schedules, the date when a student enrolls, the student’s learning style, and aptitude.

Students beginning after the start of school will receive a progress report based on the completion of lessons in accordance with the amount of time they have been enrolled.

Teacher Conferences

Throughout the year, both you and your child(ren) will meet with your teacher(s) via phone, via online classrooms, and in person on a regular basis. Student work will be both assigned and collected during these meetings. Meetings are an excellent time for you to celebrate your successes, voice concerns, obtain enrichment ideas, and discuss your student’s progress through the curriculum.

In addition, meetings provide your teacher with the opportunity to develop a strong learning partnership with you and your student through the use of dialogue, observation, and assessment. Your teacher will work with you to arrange the date and time. Meetings will take place at a Method Schools campus.

It is both you and your teacher’s responsibility to provide at least 24 hours of notice should one of you become unavailable for the meeting. If a meeting is canceled, your teacher will call to reschedule within the same learning period.

Meetings will take place weekly. An in-person meeting must take place at least once per semester; however, depending on your child’s level of need, your teacher may require that you meet in person more often. Failure to meet this requirement may indicate that independent study is not the appropriate place for your child and may result in your child withdrawing from Method Schools.

Your teacher will use these meetings to:

Review the work completed by your student

Provide additional instructional services as needed

Assign work for the next learning period

Conduct assessments in core subjects as needed

Work Samples

In order to meet state independent study guidelines, work samples will be required and collected monthly. Your Method Schools teacher will need to collect one sample from each of the areas in which your student was assigned work during the month.

You may be asked to submit work samples via our online curriculum. Procedures for this will be outlined in greater detail at the parent orientation meeting. You and your teacher must work together to collect and document these samples.

It is required by the state for Method Schools to maintain samples of student work. Therefore, appropriate work samples must be collected each month. Work sample due dates are set by the teacher. Failure to provide work samples may indicate that independent study is not the appropriate place for your child.

Changes in Class Schedule

Method Schools will allow class/schedule changes in the first 10 days of each new semester for good cause. Good cause includes but is not limited to:


Repetition of a previous course with a passing grade

Placement in a course prior to receipt of a transcript from the former district(s)

Parent request

Method Schools will not allow class/schedule changes beyond the first 10 days of each new semester. All work must be made up immediately upon entering the new course. This is the sole responsibility of the student.

Course Withdrawal and Drop Policy

Student requests for withdrawal from an assigned course will be received and completed as deemed appropriate by an assigned teacher. Withdrawal requests must be made within two weeks from the start date to receive a W. After two weeks, the student will be graded based on the below guidelines:

If a student has completed at least 70 percent of the course, the student will receive a grade.

If a student has completed less than 70 percent of the course, a student will receive an “I” for incomplete.

Requirements for Concurrent Enrollment (Community Colleges Only)

Method High School students wishing to enroll in a community college must complete all forms with their Method teacher. The teacher will help the student select classes that meet their educational needs. Students will only be permitted to register for classes that their teacher approves. Each form needs to be signed by the Method Schools administrator.

Students must have the signature of a parent or guardian authorizing the student’s participation in the program. Students must submit a copy of the high school concurrent enrollment application to the counselor prior to enrollment in each semester they wish to participate.

Students are limited to six units, or two classes, per semester if they are in good academic standing with Method Schools.

All coursework taken will appear on the student’s community college transcript. If the coursework is pre-approved, the student will receive credit from Method Schools on their high school transcript.

The community college is not responsible for the supervision of minor students anywhere on campus outside of the classroom setting. Faculty and staff members are not expected to wait with students until their ride arrives. At times, classes may be dismissed early.

Students must adhere to all college policies on course requirements, attendance, dates and deadlines, and any other applicable policies and procedures including the Student Code of Conduct. A student may be required to take assessments if enrolled in English, math, or ESL courses and must adhere to any prerequisite requirements. See the college catalog or schedule of classes for policies.

Steps for High School Concurrent Enrollment

Read the class schedule and choose a course you would like to take.

Get parental approval for attending a college class and have them sign the high school concurrent enrollment form.

Submit the high school concurrent enrollment to your Method Schools teacher to obtain their signature and discuss your selection.

Complete an admissions application from the community college and take it to the admissions & records office, along with the high school concurrent enrollment form.

Fill out a separate high school concurrent enrollment form for each semester you attend.

In order for a student to receive the concurrent credit, Method Schools must receive the final transcript with the class taken from the community college.

Grade Appeal Policy

The role of an effective learning coach includes monitoring academic progress on a consistent basis. Parents and students have constant access to view assignments and course grades through the learning management system. If a concern arises about a specific grade on an assignment or progress report, the assigned teacher should be notified immediately via phone or email. These issues are best resolved within the assigned grading period, when possible.

The grade earned by each pupil shall be the grade determined by the teacher of the course when grades are earned for any course of instruction. In the absence of any of the grounds listed below, the grade shall be final. Within 30 school days of the date that grades are mailed

The education rights holder for the student may request that a change of a pupil’s grade be made only on the following grounds:



Bad faith


Who to Contact

Your mentor is the first person you should contact whenever you need help. However, sometimes you’ll need help from someone else. It can be frustrating trying to get a question answered if you don’t know which teacher or staff member is the best person to help you. The link below should offer some guidance in helping both students and parents contact the correct person for their specific situations or questions:

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