Registration/Enrollment for 2025-26 is Now Open. Save a Spot for Your Student
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Registration/Enrollment for 2025-26 is Now Open.
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April 20, 2015

1 min

Dr. Jessica Spallino

Differentiation Through Data, Part 1

With the increase of charter schools today, many are working diligently to refine their educational programs to differentiate themselves. Most use today’s common approaches such as personalized, blended, or online learning. A data-driven instructional approach is nothing new by any means, but with today’s technological tools it can be done in a far more effective way to not only generate academic results, but differentiate a program as well.

At Method, we utilize a true data-driven approach by leveraging the best technological platforms and tools available to refine each student’s academic path. Upon enrollment, each student completes a diagnostic assessment that generates an individualized course path based on that student’s mastery and deficiencies. Counter to a traditional classroom, this allows the student to devote time only to the strands of content that he or she has not yet mastered. This also prevents students from wasting time on content that is already known.

While charter schools are looking for ways to not only improve their educational models and to differentiate themselves amongst the many duplicate programs, this instructional approach can be a key factor to success. Not only does it individualize content, but it also utilizes instructional time more efficiently to further develop an educational program that will help in differentiation.

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