There are a large number of charter schools available to choose from today and that number continues to grow. It can be a daunting task for students and their parents to sift through the numerous options when looking for a charter school in which to enroll. Identifying the differences between charter schools can be challenging and requires research into elements of the schools such as the curriculum offered, components of the educational program, and the overall school community, just to name a few.
In researching charter schools, it can be useful to look for those that have acquired certain accreditations to ensure they are of quality and have accountability measures in place. The following accreditations can be useful in determining the quality of the program:
To search for schools’ UC/a-g approved course list, click on the following:
For more information, click on the following:
Looking for these accreditations during charter school search efforts can help in finding quality programs with accountability measures implemented. This can ensure the best charter school experience possible and ultimately best prepare students for their endeavors ahead.