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Method is always tuition-free and enrollment is always open.

Modern Learning: The Method Schools Blog

Method Schools

Dr jessica spallino

All Topics
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September 21, 2016

How to Make California’s Homeschooling Programs Better
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September 14, 2016

Balancing "On and Off Screen Time" In An Independent Study Charter School
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April 2, 2016

What Is Independent Study?
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October 28, 2015

Getting a PhD…Just Like Graduating From High School?
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October 14, 2015

Making History Come Alive Through Project Based Learning
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October 7, 2015

Choosing a School in California - Why WASC, UC, and NCAA Matter (Updated)
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September 1, 2015

Method’s System of Personalization: Identify, Diagnose, and Synthesize
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July 15, 2015

Choosing a School in California - Why WASC, UC, and NCAA Matter
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June 2, 2015

The Continued Quest for Differentiation: Blending Independent Study with Project Based Learning
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