Project Based Learning has become a preferred learning modality in many schools today. As noted by the Buck Institute for Education, Project Based Learning helps students develop deeper learning competencies that can be applied in the real world. According to latest research findings and practical experience, highlights of Project Based learning are:
We have found the above findings on project based learning to be accurate and that students enjoy and ultimately retain more content through completing projects, we also recognize the need for exposure to standard aligned content to be sure a foundation of knowledge is present from which to build upon. We believe the combination of standard aligned online content along with projects is an effective blended modality to achieve these two elements we find critical.
Utilizing online curriculum has been a useful tool in helping students acquire foundational knowledge that they will not only be tested on, but helps them to be better prepared with 21st century skills of digital communication and collaboration. This in turn makes their projects more content driven so that they are able to successfully build on the knowledge they have acquired through content exposure. We believe that this blended approach helps students engage and retain more effectively.